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Star Fleet Battles: Captain's Log #26 - Combat Rescue!

Star Fleet Battles: Captain's Log #26 - Combat Rescue!

Regular price $24.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $24.99 CAD
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Two exciting fiction stories (Romulans and Gorns battle over the Kishawk and its load of politicians; a lone Federation dreadnought protects the vital logistics convoy from a Klingon squadron), a class history of all nineteen Kzinti strike carriers, and a detailed diagram of Klingon phaser controls.

The usual features include tournament reports, Command the Future, After Action, Ten Questions, Input Guide, Why?, Miniatures, Admiral Growler, new scenarios, Star Fleet Warlord, Star Fleet Command, SFB On-Line, Galactic Conquest, Play-by-Email, and more.

New ships include the Federation GVX, heavy fighter pod, and scout pod; the Klingon heavy fighter resupply pod, PF transport pod, a medium hangar pod; the Kzinti CDX, scout pod, heavy fighter resupply pod, and PF transport pod; the Gorn scout pod, heavy fighter resupply pod, and PF transport pod; the Tholian heavy fighter resupply pack; the Hydran Boar Hunter commando DW, advanced fighter resupply ship, heavy fighter resupply pallet, and PT transport pallet; Lyran scout pod, heavy fighter resupply pod and pallet, PF transport pod and pallet.

Battle Group 900 focuses on a published scenario. Anarchist covers Seltorian-vs-Tholian with four SSDs, a complete master ship chart covers all ships published in previous Captain’s Logs, the Klingon Legal System is described in frightening detail.

Paul Scott writes the longest Victory at Origins article ever, and we have term papers and a Ryn tactical primer.

F&E players get Advanced Operations updates, a new scenario, a survey of other new scenarios, rules for Federation Early War, a Ship Information Table, new rules, Q&A, Rules & Rulings, and more.

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